June 21, 2010

How to become a world champion in BJJ?

How to win big in lottery? There are probably tons of strategies, but one can't play lottery without buying a lottery ticket. By the same rationale, to become a world champion, one must at least compete for that title.

March 18, 2010

Boody Videos: Pan Jiu Jitsu 2010 Announcement

January 27, 2010

BJJ Artwork: "Shrimping-Out"

Shrimp-escape by ~Strutsi on deviantART

January 15, 2010

"Control Your Space"

Jucão always says, "Control your space." This sounds similar to "I see you" from Avatar. I never really understood what Jucão meant. Until recently.

January 13, 2010

Lost A Bet in BJJ

Was challenged to roll tonight. Loser buys a spot at a BJJ seminar with Braulio Estima. I lost.